Our Adventure

- How we started -
Julie Soukup is the author of The Adventures of Jade and Sky book series. These books were created especially for her twin daughters, Jayden and Skyler. The Soukup girls reside in Colorado.
Being a single parent of twins is an exercise in patience, learning strength I never knew I had, and seeing how to play again. What's evolved most is a sense of humor, seeing joy in the little moments, and really what it means to have unconditional love.
Every Christmas we've released a new addition to the Adventures of Jade and Sky book series. It's become a surreal beauty to see their personalities, and age captured each year.

- Our Tradition -
Every Christmas, we made it a tradition to gift her daughters a new book that highlights their adventures together. Through these books, I hope they will see the magic and love I've poured into those cherished moments.
I know that there are other mothers out there who share the same sentiments, and I feel privileged to offer a glimpse into our beautiful, chaotic yet loving lives.